How to tackle heart disease?
This article about tackling cardiovascular related problems and will suggest some very basic steps to avoid heart related problems. The following are some of the key points to be noted.

The major factor or risk elements for heart disease are hyper blood pressure, obesity or excess weight, smoking, too much of alcohol consumption, stress, diabetes mellitus, lack of proper nutrition and poor life style. So it requires a continuous effort to tackle heart problems as it has become a very common disease in all the countries.
Understanding heart disease: The most common reason for people to get heart problems is because there are numerous arteries and veins that are connected with the heart to pump blood through out the body. It is mainly the saturated fat that blocks these valves and becomes a constraint to pump blood smoothly.
Comparative analysis: For example when we use water taps to draw water from water tanks and when the water contains salt, it gets accumulated in between the tubes and there is less water coming as days go by so once we clean the pipes there is smooth flow of water once again, this is what is happening in our heart too, we consume various food stuffs and it have many fats and fatty acids which gets accumulated which in turn makes difficult for the heart to pump the blood.

Ways of tackling:
Quit Smoking or don’t smoke: If you are a smoker quit it and for others never start it as it is one of the major threat for many internal diseases like heart and lung.
Stress Elimination: People take so much tension and stress themselves and others to earn money but they don’t understand that they should live long to enjoy what they have earned, so try not getting into stress by doing yoga, meditation, breathing exercise (deep inhale and exhale, 20 times a day), and jogging or walking in fresh air will help you to reduce stress.
    Health conscious: Once a person cross the age of 40 he should fix a separate doctor for him/her and check their health condition once in three months to make sure their heart condition is alright. Prevention is always better than cure so try preventing it by being cautious.
Blood pressure: Once you are diagnosed with hyper blood pressure it’s the duty of the person to take of his health condition so they should avoid eating vegetables and fruits that will enhance it, for example: beet root will raise blood pressure. And you should believe that high BP is not a life killing disease and can be tackled if proper care is taken.
Operate: If you fail to notice your heart problems in the early stage it is better to discuss with a heart surgeon and consult to find out to operate to remove blockage if found any in your valves.
Saturated fats: Avoid consuming less saturated fat as this is the main enemy for heart and cause the cholesterol level to rise dramatically. Instead you can consume food with more proteins, calcium and fiber.
Regular exercise: Exercising regularly will definitely help to maintain your blood sugar and pressure level, but once you are diagnosed with blood pressure it is better to ask the advice of the doctor to exercise as it might increase the blood pressure.

Quick health tips for tackling heart disease:
Tips for Blood pressure and Diabetes:
  • Boiled potatoes are good for high pressure.
  • Grape juice in small amounts daily helps for digestion and pressure related problems.
  • Beet juice for low blood pressure.
  • Indian Spikenard with pinch of camphor and cinnamon is good for low blood pressure.
  • Raising around 10 to 15 can be soaked in water overnight and consume it the empty stomach and drink that water for low blood pressure.
  • Tulsi and Honey can be consumed for low blood pressure.
  •  Almonds in water over night , peel the skin in the morning and allow it to boil in mink and drink it warm for low blood pressure.

 Free treatment for Diabetes:
        Nuts decrease risk of cancer and diabetes.
  Ten fully grown curry leaves taken early morning in empty stomach fights diabetes.
  Diabetic people, try to avoid plastic and water proof cloths.
  Prevent diabetes, by adding Tulsi, Neem and Belpatras leaves in water and drink in empty     stomach to reduce sugar level.
  The leaves of butea tree leaves are good for reducing sugar levels.
  Two spoons of fenugreek seeds or whole seeds with milk if consumed daily helps in fighting     diabetes.       
Easy ways to reduce cholesterol:
     Cow’s ghee, containing beta carotene, soother the stomach lining and is safe for people with high cholesterol.
Add fiber to fat to reduce cholesterol.
Barley is good for cholesterol.
Wheat bran is very good for cancer and cholesterol.
Canola oil reduces cholesterol.
Hot water with lemon in early morning.
Hot water + Lemon+honey+ Ground pepper in morning.

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